Hello and welcome to the first ever Thunk-It Theatre blog! We are extremely excited to be able to chat to you all in this way, keep you updated and share our news.

Who is Thunk-It Theatre?
What are we aiming to do?
What we have been up to.
What is next?
So without further ado, let's catch up and fill you in!
Who is Thunk-It Theatre?
Thunk-It Theatre is a York based collaborative company, focused on using the arts as a way to explore narratives and share stories which was founded in May 2020. We are made up of two Artistic Directors - Becky and Jules. To find out more head to our instagram or facebook!
What are we aiming to do?
At Thunk-It we want to do a lot of different projects, working across different creative practices and with a variety of people. Our aims as a company are:
To work within communities and engage intergenerational audiences
To be transparent with our audiences and co-workers
To create opportunities for local emerging artists to grow and develop
We think it is very important for us to remind ourselves of these aims to keep us grounded and focused on what we want to do with our company, of which you are invited to be a part of! The more the merrier!
We have decided to make our aims even simpler and snappier. We have condensed this into three words:
Create. Collaborate. Community.
What have we been up to?
Since we launched in May this year, we have been super busy with two creative projects;
Thunk- It Thoughts
Thunk-It Chatter
‘Thunk-It Thoughts’ was a five day creative prompt challenge that took place on our social media in June. We encouraged people to be creative in their day to day lives and submit whatever they created to us, for us to share on our Instagram. This project was fun, simple and received a total of 27 different submissions - which we were blown away with! We had paintings, collages, make-up, songs, videos - you name it, we probably had it!
If you submitted, engaged or shared this project at all - thank you!
‘CHATTER; A Monologue Series’ was our second project that we produced and co-ordinated. This was a monologue showcase in which we gave writers a platform to showcase their monologues, directed by us, the Thunk-It team and performed by actors remotely. We showcased a total of 10 monologues by 10 different writers and 10 actors.
Each monologue was different in theme, topic and style. You can watch this showcase on our YouTube if you missed out! Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pm-x0C4ZgzI&t=1221s
However, our showcase did not go as swimmingly as we hoped… as we had some major technical difficulties, resulting in a 24-hour delay in showing the work. But this challenge showed us how to adapt, stay calm and work professionally. We cannot thank the rest of the creative team enough for their support and helping us learn how to adapt within this online format!
What's next for Thunk-It?
We have been so impressed with the progress we have made in the past 6 months and we now want to take our work now into communities and engage intergenerational audiences, something we have found challenging within the online format. It is important for us to work locally with people in York to create opportunities and collaborate with others. We are passionate about bringing people together at this time, and are working on ways to do this behind the scenes!
Stay in touch, stay safe and stay creative!
Speak soon,
Becky and Jules